dogecore lore
Read more: what the dog doin?
what the dog doin?
by Dominic Jackson
He sits in the bosses office. Come to think of it, I've never actually met the real boss. It was the secretary woman who sits in front of his office who interviewed me for this job at the Greggs Bakery factory and here I stand, pumping weird pink meat into sausage roll tubes for a living.
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Read more: Booklet for the lifestyle supplement : GOBLIN GAINZ
Booklet for the lifestyle supplement : GOBLIN GAINZ
by Dominic Jackson
I've always been insecure about my body, like it is somehow incorrect or broken. That this machine my brain rides around in is bad product. I know it's stupid because everyone is different. We are not Mcnuggets which must abide by 5 different exact shapes, we are a mess of blobs and angles that writhe around doing daily chores. But I can’t help but look upon myself and think I've been handed bad card in life...
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Read more: Gnomey Hawks Pro Skater
Gnomey Hawks Pro Skater
by Dominic Jackson
I was at my weekly BeyBlade meet up in the local children's park when my life got turned flipside. We were huddled around the pit, where our machi...Read more -
Read more: i am fish man
i am fish man
by Dominic Jackson
I've had a hard life. Born different and everyone knew it. It's hard to hide having webbed hands when you're in school. And it was even harder to hide my webbed feet once we began swimming lessons and everyone could see them in the open. Then they got mad when I swam laps around them...
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Read more: Lithium
by Dominic Jackson
I switched shifts so I'd have more time to find them before they die in the cold moonlight. Dozens of them blinking for help into the nighttime silently as the world went by, but I wasn't going to let them go into the dark, cold and afraid. At first it was almost a civic duty, I noticed one of their LED eyes blinking on and off amongst some rubble whilst walking home one night. It called to me and so I picked it up and took it home, it looked like it needed help and was reaching out to me.Read more -
Read more: A Gif of Nikocado Avocado
A Gif of Nikocado Avocado
by Dominic Jackson
We were renovating our new house when we found it in the attic. My friend Mike and myself put together to get on the property ladder and purchas...Read more